英語のネイティブスピーカーの友達に「私は料理が得意」と伝えたい場合、皆さんなら英語でどのように言いますか?日本人の多くは「I am a good cooker」と言ったりしますが、正しくはありません。正しい言い方は「I am a good cook」なのです。
When you are speaking English and you want to talk about someone who either prepares meals at home or professionally, which word are you supposed to use – cook or cooker? I hear a lot of Japanese boast that they are good “cookers”. However, the correct word is “cook”. Native speakers usually say cooker when they are talking about a device or machine used in a kitchen that cooks something, such as a rice cooker. A professional cook who has completed a degree in the culinary arts and who possibly already completed an apprenticeship under a notable chef, would be considered a chef.
Sometimes Japanese people pronounce the word “cook” like “kokku”. However, the correct pronunciation has the same vowel sound as “book” or “took”.