日本の標識でよく「NO BICYCLES PARKING HERE」と書いてあるのを見かけます。また、英語のメニューに「Oysters Set」や「Skewers Set」と書かれてることもありますよね。実は、この英語は正しくありません!皆さんならどうやって直しますか?
まず、「bicycles」の「s」は消しましょう。この文章において「s」を消すとなぜ正しい英語になるかわかりますか?なぜなら、「bicycles parking」の中の「bicycles」は、形容詞として使われている名詞だからです。「BICYCLES」は通常は複数名詞ですが、この文章の場合は形容詞として使われています。
(ここで中心となる名詞は「 PARKING」です。「BICYCLE」は特定の駐車の種類を指しています。例 motorcycle parking、bus parking、recreational vehicle parking、など。)
I have seen many signs in Japan that read “NO BICYCLES PARKING HERE”. I have also seen English menus with items such as “Oysters Set” or “Skewers Set”. But this English is not correct. How can we fix it?
Just erasing the ‘s’ in “bicycles” fixes the problem. Why does such a simple fix work here?
The “bicycles” in “bicycles parking” is a noun that is being used as an adjective. (The main noun here is “parking”. “Bicycle” describes the specific type of parking. There can be motorcycle parking, bus parking, recreational vehicle parking, etc.) Whenever you use a countable noun as an adjective make sure it is in its singular form. Noncount nouns (air, water, fish, rice, sand, money, furniture, etc.) have no plural form so you don’t need to worry about these. Give it a try next time you are speaking English!